Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Joys of illness-or Albondigas

Oh, I am sick. So sick. I have just taken two old fashioned sudafed (the kind that you have to get from the pharmacist these days, because they contain the active ingredients for Crystal Meth) and they didn't do anything. nada. still can't breathe.

So last night I decided if I'ma gonna be sick, to be sick in style. I am of course referring to soup. Had to make a big pot of soup so that there'd be hot steamy goodness at my fingertips when this thing takes a turn for the worse. But I am so tired of chicken soup I thought I'd venture out. So here is my new recipe for a wonderfully tasty...

Albondigas Soup.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chicken and Rice-or School Food

Hi folks,
Welcome to our very first Blog together! It's Wednesday night and I have to bring lunch tomorrow when I go and teach KINDERGARTEN! Egad. They make ya hungry those little monkeys. When 11:15 rolls around you want nothing more than an ice cold beer and a silent padded room, but alas, what you get is the teachers lounge.

That cold linoleum floored, fluorescent lighted, retreat. Tricked out with two microwaves and no paper towels. It's made all the cozier by the enveloping smell of elementary school food. Needless to say, I bring lunch. Here's what we're having tomorrow:

This one's still raw

Arroz con Pollo. So easy and so delish when reheated.
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